Corporate Responsibility
Our silica recovery technology rehabilitated this hot spring, which is culturally valued by local Māori.
We are a small company, but we can be impactful in the ways in which we operate.
For us, it is about a commitment to doing good; sustainably recovering low-carbon strategic minerals and seeking markets for these where we can displace less sustainable alternatives.
This purpose motivates us to to grow, in order to have a meaningful role in the supply of key minerals essential to a low-carbon future.
It obliges us to innovate to seek opportunities to deliver value that can be shared across the wider geothermal ecosystem. In doing so, we will always look after our staff and partners, and genuinely practise what New Zealand’s indigenous Māori call Kaitiakitanga – meaning guardianship of the environment. It encompasses the way in which we conduct all aspects of our business with honour and integrity.
We know that these values and behaviors are entirely consistent with delivering value to all our stakeholders and shareholders.
We track our progress across our corporate responsibility deliverables. We have embraced a formal Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) framework to guide the development and operation of our business.
The platform we have adopted is based upon the 21 core targets of the World Economic Forum, which in turn are aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, across the four broad themes of People, Planet, Prosperity and Governance.