Coatings and Adhesives
The Coatings & Adhesives Market
Geo40 is supplying our customisable colloidal silica solutions to markets seeking a sustainable alternative to incumbent high-carbon silicas commonly used. Our world-first recovery process provides the coatings and adhesive market an opportunity to lower the carbon footprint of their in-market products.
You can be confident that our low-carbon colloidal silicas maintain the performance standard of current alternatives, but also offer a sustainability advantage.
Due to the constant demand for innovative solutions in this market, our production flexibility allows us to tailor our supply of nano-silicas for your coatings, sealants, adhesives, and paint formulations.
Geo40's colloidal silicas are a solution for manufacturers driven to differentiate themselves in their industry whilst reducing the environmental impact of their product range. By incorporating our unique silica solutions, you can truly position your organization as a leader in sustainability.