Pulp and Paper

The Pulp & Paper Market

As the global community looks for large industry leaders to decarbonise, the paper and cardboard manufacturing sector seeks innovative pathways which not only lower the carbon footprint of the supply chain but also continue to improve production capabilities.

A tough challenge, but one the GeoPAPER40 range accomplishes. Geo40 is dedicated to supplying our low-carbon colloidal silicas as drainage and retention solutions to this evolving market.

When you choose from the GeoPAPER40 range, you can trust that our silica supplied to the paper industry not only offers improved performance but also offers a lower carbon footprint compared to conventional colloidal silica options. We understand the importance of sustainability in this sector and aim to provide environmentally friendly alternatives to high-carbon colloidal silicas in the market.

Geo40's geothermally recovered colloidal silica products have been specifically developed to deliver improved drainage and retention performance comparable to other high carbon in market alternatives. We take pride in tailoring our nano-silicas to meet the customised needs of our valued clients.

By choosing GeoPAPER40, you can contribute to a more sustainable future in the pulp & paper industry and improve the performance that your production mills require.

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Paper manufacturing

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