Our Beliefs and Policies

Kaitiakitanga, Auaha and Kotahitanga

We are a New Zealand Company grounded in the three Māori principles of kaitiakitanga, auaha and kotahitanga. Kaitiakitanga is a broad term that describes our role in being good guardians of the natural environment – we must individually and collectively act as strong kaitiaki. Auaha describes the spirit of innovation that we bring to all we do. We know that we are always stronger with great partners, and kotahitanga reflects more than a simple partnership, speaking to unity and togetherness.

We operate in New Zealand in partnership with the Ngāti Tahu Tribal Lands Trust. Our Ohaaki Northern Plant and Ngāwhā Demonstration Plant are located on their lands, where the Trust holds mana whenua, or rights over the land, but they are much more than our landlords.

We operate these plants with their blessing, and we are proud to have their people on our team. We recognise the role, opportunity and responsibility we have in creating economic opportunities for our indigenous partners through our technologies.

Hear from our Ngāti Tahu kaitiaki

Environmental Conduct

We seek always to adhere to the highest standards of environmental care conduct. This extends throughout the project lifecycle, from initial concept through to design and we incorporate environmental outcomes into our build and operations.

We typically operate within the consent conditions of the geothermal power generators. As a result, we are acutely aware of the imperative for high levels of environmental performance. Our environmental performance record is strong, and we have the systems, processes and disciplines in place to keep it that way.

Carbon Accreditation

Geo40’s low-carbon, colloidal silica is sustainably recovered from geothermal fluids, with a carbon footprint
under 200kg of carbon dioxide equivalent per metric ton of 30wt% product, across Scope 1, 2 and 3 carbon dioxide emissions.

Geo40 has successfully developed sustainable technology for the recovery of low-carbon, colloidal silica from geothermal fluids, adding value by reducing silica scaling in geothermal power stations. The technology is unique, scalable and has been fully commercialised with the completion of Geo40’s Ohaaki Northern Plant located in New Zealand in early 2021.

Independent environmental consultant, start2see, a well-recognised industry expert in carbon accounting based in Melbourne, Australia, has completed a streamlined Life Cycle Assessment on Geo40’s world-first technology, including quantification of all direct and indirect emissions, to derive the carbon footprint of the Company’s colloidal silica products.

Quantifying the cradle-to-gate carbon footprint of the Company’s colloidal silica products is important in establishing carbon intensity. Start2see has determined that the current cradle-to-gate, carbon footprint of Geo40’s colloidal silicas are under 200kg of carbon dioxide equivalent per metric ton of 30wt% product, across Scope 1, 2 and 3 carbon dioxide emissions.

Conventionally, colloidal silica is manufactured by initially melting quartz sand in a blast furnace (though there are other methods). We believe this manufacturing method gives rise to carbon-intensive, colloidal silicas, however definitive published cradle-to-gate data are scarce, particularly across Scope 1, 2 and 3 categories. Geo40 believes that its manufacturing method offers customers a lower carbon footprint choice. We encourage our partners to seek full life-cycle emissions data as part of their procurement diligence.

Geo40 is working to be impactful in both traditional and emerging markets. In traditional markets such as refractory and casting or admixtures, Geo40 silicas offer buyers a lower carbon choice. Emerging markets offer the opportunity to use low-carbon silicas to replace less sustainable alternatives. Examples include coatings, where colloidal silica can reduce titanium dioxide use, and in civil construction where colloidal silica can replace polymers. These polymers potentially break down to microplastics and can pollute waterways.

Geo40 works with customers to improve environmental outcomes and to make a meaningful contribution to decarbonisation. Geo40 is committed to the highest standards of corporate responsibility and has adopted a formal Environmental, Social and Governance framework.

Corporate Code of Conduct

The Geo40 Corporate Code of Conduct was issued effective 19th December 2015 and is amended from time to time, as appropriate.

All Geo40 employees are expected to embrace the principles of the Geo40 Code of Conduct. It is our commitment to ethical excellence and provides a cultural framework that defines how Geo40, and our staff do business: with integrity and the most professional way that we can.

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