Our Strategy
We have partnered with social impact assessment firm Socialsuite
In 2021 we selected seven leading indicators relevant to our business, and through 2022 we will establish baseline data and commence measurement.
Our seven key focus indicators are listed below:
- Prosperity: Indicator #1: Purpose Statement
- Governance: Indicator #2: Governance Body Composition
- Governance: Indicator #3: Stakeholder Consultation
- Governance: Indicator #4: Anti-Corruption
- Planet: Indicator #10: Water Consumption
- People: Indicator #15: Health & Safety
- Prosperity: Indicator #20: Research & Development

There are four quadrants in Socialsuite’s framework; governance, prosperity, people and planet.
We have selected initial measurement indicators to both provide good coverage across all quadrants and to ensure focus on the things most relevant to our business and our stakeholders.